Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My September so far

This post will be blogged and posted directly from my iPhone because ever since internship started (which means since yesterday lol), I feel too drained to even turn on the computer. You may wonder why I still bother to blog then, since my schedule is packed 'cause of internship and I feel really tired.

Surprisingly, I have this huge urge to blog today, as I feel that it's one of the only way to escape from all the busy-ness, and just reflect on how I've spent the past few days.

Internship has been... draining. I'm trying so hard to feel all positive and happy about it, but it has seriously been pretty tiring. But I do understand that it's Orientation week and the previous batch is doing all they can to pass down the "information" to us so that my batch will know how to run DiD once they leave, so I think none of us has the right to complain. However my mind feels so overloaded with information right now, and at this point of time, I just wish that my brain was big enough to remember and memorise every single thing that was taught for the past 2 days, but no, it's hard to do that within such a short period of time. :(

One thing I enjoyed today however, was getting to meet Esme! Esme is a dog that has been specifically trained to be a guide dog for one of our visually impaired guide - and she's probably the prettiest out of all the guides in DiD!

I don't know how Blogger on iPhone works but the photos that I'll be attaching in this post will probably be uploaded somewhere in this blog post, either right at the top/bottom!

Today was also fun 'cause we did Home Run - when all of us got to compete and see who enters and exits the tour with the fastest possible time! It's the first ever time we walked through the whole tour in complete darkness and ALONE so I'll never ever forget this particular moment!

I guess right now, I simply wish that I'll be able to be a fast-learner and learn everything as quickly as possible, and hopefully, contribute significantly to DiD in my own ways. If you do not know what DiD is, Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) is actually a social enterprise that brings you on a journey into a world without sight! In other words, it's a 1 hour tour that will bring you around different simulation rooms, and you'll get to experience strolling in a park, sitting on a river taxi, visiting a market, and eating/drinking in a cafe - all these in complete darkness! If you have yet to experience DiD, you seriously HAVE to go on this tour at least once because it's really interesting and one-of-a-kind. Undoubtedly, it'll also allow you to be in a blind person's shoes and understand more about what he/she experiences in his/her everyday life. That to me, is something extremely meaningful, don't you think so?

I know it sounds like I'm advertising for them hahahaha, but it's seriously a tour that every single person should go for at least once in their lifetime. You can check out their website (www.dialogueinthedark.com.sg) for more information if you're interested!


On 1st Sept, it was my 2nd anniversary with C, but she unfortunately had a big event going on so we weren't able to meet. I didn't wanna spend the whole day doing something insignificant, so I thought, why not bake something on my own for C?! Bestie happened to be over at my place so we decided to bake chocolate chip cookies together! We went Yew Tee to search for the ingredients but were quite upset to know that we could not find chocolate chips and vanilla extract. Thankfully, we went to a nearby mini mart and heaved a sigh of relief 'cause we found these 2 ingredients!

Both of us are totally inexperienced noobs when it comes to baking omg. She has only tried baking once on her own for my birthday, but it was those instant baking kind. The first time I baked was with 2 friends, of which one already knows how to bake. So Bestie and I were soooo lost and confused HAHA. But the result was quite awesome 'cause we found a really yummy recipe online! I have to point out though, that it took me 11 whole hours to figure how to bake a good cookie. We started at 7+pm, Bestie gave up at 12+am HAHAHA, and I baked till 6am! IT WAS CRAZY, but worth it!

It was only until about 4am that I realised the cookie tastes better if the "mould" is thinner; it will have more crunch. If you make thick moulds (e.g. moulding into a ball), the cookies will have a soft texture - especially the center - like a cupcake! Either it works this way or it's just hard to bake a good cookie if you don't have cookie moulds, 'cause we didn't have any!

I got Chanel to try it and she LOVES it! Omgdness I've never seen her eat something like it's her drug! Hehe cutie girl.

And of course, after we were done, I packed some of the cookies in a jar for C and gave it to her as our anniversary present!!! I don't know if I'm still gonna buy her something... Hahaha. But isn't sincerity all that matters for an anniversary gift? :D


It's past 9pm now, and I've been told that tomorrow will be a super busy day at DiD and that we've to rest damn early tonight, so I'm gonna memorise some script now and head to bed after that.

Shall end off with a photo of my dinner tonight!


Friday, August 31, 2012

Zirca + Mink + Butter Factory; Rachel K Radiance IlluminatorCollagen + Lotus Stem Cell Hydrogel Mask

Yesterday night was clubbing night and it was so much fun in the end!!! This is the first time I've ever gone clubbing with my poly classmates, and I really enjoyed it! I have to admit that the beginning wasn't the most enjoyable, 'cause the first club we went to was Zirca (just 'cause we wanted the 3 drinks coupon that they give to all ladies every Wednesday heh heh) and there was so little peopleeee. We used up 2 drinks coupon before we decided to walk to Helipad 'cause we thought we would have complimentary drinks there as well, until I asked one of my Biotherm colleague Weiqi if we needed a guest list to be entitled for the complimentary drinks in Helipad, and she said yes. So we started feeling a bit sian for a few minutes 'cause we couldn't decide if we should head back to Zirca, or to go Butter Factory since Ashlyn said she likes to club there. Thankfully, Weiqi gave me a number to call, and the guy said that although he couldn't include us in the guest list for Helipad, he's able to include us for Mink, and so Mink we went!

Vivien looking cute and me looking extremely spastic

The 4 pretty West-siders whom I traveled to Clarke Quay with yesterday!

Guga and I on the train! I was so excited to try this new filter that I only got to know of yesterday hahahaha

@vivienispretty and I!

Babylove (the only North/East-sider for the night hahaha) joining us at The Central's Burger King!

The 6 of us + a beautiful background!!! <3
This photo marks the area where we literally stoned for a few minutes and didn't know where to head to next after finding out we couldn't go Helipad hahahahaha
(I don't know why is C holding my pretty Katelove clutch from my dear Faz but it was only temporary!
I dislike girls who get their partners to carry their bags so I'll never do that)

Mink was definitely a lot more atas than expected HAHA, the lighting and all was really good! But the music... We were in there for more than an hour but they only played 3 songs that I HEARD before - didn't even know the lyrics! I told Guga and Vivien this, and Guga said she only heard 1 song that she knew of HAHAHAHA. So in conclusion, Mink was crowded and boring and I don't think I will ever step into it again despite the atas-ness.

Ashlyn suggested for us to go Butter Factory, and it was the best decision of the night! By this time, the alcohol started kicking in and all of us were ready to dance! The songs were trendy and amazing and they were just so good to dance to! We spent about 2 hours in total on the dance floor just dancing and singing and moving and jumping with our hands up in the air hahahaha - a prove that we all had fun!

I think I'm gonna miss clubbing/dancing pretty much, especially since my internship's starting next week and when that happens, I'll probably be too drained to club already. :( Oh wellz, yesterday's clubbing was a night to remember so I think that's more than enough! Plus we didn't spend a single cent on drinks at all hehehe #okbeingcheapohere


Just spent my night trying out the Rachel K Radiance Illuminator Collagen + Lotus Stem Cell Hydrogel Mask! I received the sample a few days ago and I was quite excited to try it out when I saw "Brightens dull skin", "Tightens pores", and "Controls sebum" written on the front of the packaging!

The 2 photos of my stupid face show how transparent the mask looks! It's actually super jelly-like and quite easy to tear, if you ask me. It's not visible from the above 2 photos but I created 3 small holes on the mask when I was trying to get them out of the packaging.

Honestly I can't really see a difference on my skin after removing the mask... Meh. Brightening wise, my Naruko's brightening mask does a much better job and I'm even able to see an immediate result. And pores wise, my Hello Kitty mask works like a charm to instantly reduce the size of my pores. And as to Rachel K's mask, I saw none? :/ My skin wasn't brighter, and neither did my pores appear to be smaller. But I believe in the ingredients that Rachel K is using in her masks, so I MAY go out and purchase one or two of them just to give them another shot!

If you're interested in getting a free sample of the same mask I tried on just now, click HERE!

& if you didn't know about this free sample redemption... You're welcome HAHAHA.

Shall end off this post with a photo of my finished DIY geometric/colour-block nails!
It's not perfect and it's messier in real life, but I guess it was a good first attempt!

Goodnight everyone xx

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Clubbing tomorrow

Just uploaded pictures of my last clubbing night with my favourite girls (on 23 May hahahaha super overdued photos) and I kinda miss it! Thankfully exams are over and I'll be heading off to have some fun with a few of my favourite class peeps (including C) tomorrow!!! This week is my one and only week to fully enjoy myself before my internship commences next Monday so I really hope I will be able to make the most out of it!

Truth be told, the only things I really wish to settle are my nails (which I have done... quite messily lol) and all the photos of BLACKPOCKETS leftover stocks! I just really wish to take photos of them as soon as I can and upload them, and hopefully this will speed up the rate of clearing all the items/apparels! I'm just trying to play my part as a daughter to help my dad recoup his losses, though even if I remain optimistic to believe that I'll be able to sell every single item, my dad has still lost quite a sum of money. :(

I think this particular stage (from the beginning to the end) of setting up the whole shop proves to be a lesson learnt. A business is never easy to operate, what more a shop on its own with all the rental and bills to worry about. It really isn't something that should be done hastily, but rather, much more time should be put into thinking and discussing about whether it's truly going to be a profitable business. I just hope they've all learnt something from this event so at least all the money had not been gone in vain. 

Talking about the apparels, I guess I'll show you guys some of the pieces to be expecting:

I'll be pricing all of the items at cheaper prices than the prices that was set back when BLACKPOCKETS was still operating. I'll try my best to price EVERYTHING below S$15 (including all the pieces seen above) but there will be nothing above S$20, I guarantee! Like I said, I only wish to help my dad recoup his losses - not even to make a profit - so hopefully I'll be able to garner some support from you guys who are reading this & wish to support okay! Pictures will either be up on my personal Facebook page or my selling Facebook page (hahahaha, yes I do have one to sell my personal items), but this is to be confirmed! Photos will certainly be up by this week. :)

Shall continue with my nails now at such an unearthly hour! I'm actually already done with my nails, but I'm trying so hard to make them look neater 'cause... seriously, geometric nails are not easyyyyyyy haha, at least to me it's not! My left hand (picture at the end of this post) is already quite messy to me - I just KEEP looking at all the imperfections that could have been perfected; perfectionist at its maximum omg - and my right hand just simply looks like I just dipped my nails in a vomit of colours hahahaha. Off to tidy 'em now!

OH BTW, one of the apparel you see above is also selling in another blogshop, and they sent Silver Ang the exact same top!

(Image credit: here)

(Image credit: here)

Both pictures of Silver Ang are found in THIS blog post of her blog.
(She was doing an advertorial for a particular blogshop, and I went to see how much they're selling this piece; the only thing I can say is that I'll be selling it at a cheaper price!)

Pretty excited for tomorrow; hope it'll be an awesome night!!

Sleep well, everybody xx

My attempt on geometric nails

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"You've already lost your heart, don't end up losing your dignity too."

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre-exams insomnia

It's 8.05am now and I have yet to sleep. Bestie's over at my place right now and we have been studying all night. This midnight studying habit that I have adopted for the past few days isn't doing me good, and it has taken its toll on my skin - I am extremely prone to pimples and dryness on my chin and around my nose now. 

I honestly cannot wait for exams to end. I'm never the kind of girl who finds comfort in studying; how do people even find comfort in something so mundane and draining? But at the same time, I cannot afford to not study 'cause grades do matter at the end of the day. Tsk, one sleepless night and here I am talking nonsense.

Friday, please arrive as soon as possible! It'll be my final Diploma exam (finally, after 3 whole years...) and at least for now, I really cannot wait to get it over and done with. 

Hi Internship, I cannot wait to welcome you into my life.


Happy birthday to you.

You will always own a place in my heart.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's fallen behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's fallen from grace
She's all over the place 

The old you, please come back.
Don't make me feel this way. All.over.again.
My heart can't take it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

22 months


When life has locked me out
I turned to you
So open the door
'Cause you're all I need right now, it's true
Nothing works like you

After 26 months since the story of you and I first began, I am glad that things have worked out in the end. We may have had a really rough start and things turned shaky again halfway through, but I'm glad that right now, at this very moment, I can think of you and smile because I know that our love for each other is real. Many things have happened between us (too many, in fact) and God has made us face countless obstacles in the midst of our relationship resulting in our monthsary dates going haywire, but I guess it doesn't - and it shouldn't - matter at the end of the day because it is what we have gone through as a couple that really counts in the end. I am writing this, not because you kept pestering me for one (hehehe), but because I want you to know I am more than thankful that I am still able to call you my girlfriend today, at this very hour, this minute, this second. I am thankful that we are now almost as loving as when we first started... because trust me, I really thought it was going to be a one-sided love forever. Bottom line is, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO LET YOU - AND EVERYONE - KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.

I just hope you love me the same.

In the meantime... Happy 22 months of our love story, babylove.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

now i know we said things, did things, that we didn’t mean
and we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
but your temper’s just as bad as mine is, you’re the same as me
when it comes to love you’re just as blinded
baby please come back, it wasn’t you, baby it was me
maybe our relationship isn’t as crazy as it seems
maybe that’s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
all i know is i love you too much to walk away though

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Precious Hair

Sodium Laureth Sulphate

I've always searched for shampoos that are free from the ingredient mentioned above,
and I was so glad to have found L'Oreal EverPure Sulfate-free hair care range.
Many of you are unaware but this ingredient does so much harm to our hair.
Just found the perfect article posted by another blogger about this particular ingredient,
and I thought I'd share:


Go on and check your shampoo ingredients to see if you notice either "Sodium Laureth Sulphate" or "Ammonium Laureth Sulphate" in the list now! It'll be good to change your shampoo if this ingredient is in it; better now than never!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"I want you here forever, right here by my side"


I'm just listening to the clock go ticking
I am waiting as the time goes by
I think of you with every breath I take
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine
You're all I see in everything

I just wanna hold you
I just wanna kiss you
I just wanna love you all my life
I normally wouldn't say this but I just can't contain it
I want you here forever right here by my side

All the fears you feel inside
And all the tears you've cried
They're ending right here
I'll heal your hardened soul
I'll keep you oh so close
Don't worry I'll never let you go
You're all I need
You're everything

I just wanna hold you
I just wanna kiss you
I just wanna love you all my life
I normally wouldn't say this but I just can't contain it
I want you here forever right here by my side

No one else would ever do
I've got a stubborn heart for you
Call me crazy but it's true
I love you
I didn't think that it would be you who made it clear to me
You're all I need

I just wanna hold you
I just wanna kiss you
I just wanna love you all my life
I normally wouldn't say this but I just can't contain it
I want you here forever right here by my side


I will never forget the day those photos above were taken. The butterflies in my stomach when your eyes caught mine. The joy I received when we clicked so well. The comfort I got when it felt like we had known each other since forever. The nervousness I felt when your skin brushed mine. That happy day remains a memory, but boy am I so glad to say that you're still in my life, and that you're still the one I love. It has been over 22 months since you've been in my life now, baby. Other than the fact that I've never lasted so long with anybody else before, I just wanna tell you that I'm more than grateful for your appearance, as well as for all the lessons that you've taught me; however harsh on me you may be sometimes. But I am still thankful, that we've met, that we've fallen in love, and that we're still in love.

So if possible, please stay, because I want you here forever, right here by my side.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Recent Beauty Find!

Helloooooooooo everyone!
I am so happy that exams are officially over (even though my last paper was... pretty screwed) BUT it's time to play and REALLY ENJOY myself till April! Okay so to cut to the chase!

If you follow me on Twitter (if you haven't, please do! @jlshwithlove), you would know that my bestie and I recently tried - on 18 Feb to be exact - one of the most amazing and cheapest face wash method ever, and what is it?



You've seen that right! And maybe it's not surprising to some of you 'cause oatmeal is indeed one of the common ingredients in many face washes or scrubs. But no I'm not gonna talk about any particular brand or facial product! But instead, the oatmeal, ALONE.

(Image credits: here)

So this is how regular oatmeal looks like, as we know it. But did you ever know that this can be used to exfoliate, clean, soften, moisturize, and brighten your skin? I'm going to show you a video from one of my all-time favourite Youtube guru!

I can't adjust the size of this video so it's really small, but you can always click on the header of the video to watch it on Youtube! So whatever she did is exactly what I've been doing, and TRUST HER WHEN SHE SAID IT'S REALLY MESSY, BECAUSE IT'S S-U-P-E-R MESSY. But like she said, the benefits of oatmeal really makes up for all the messiness! If you wanna know, I don't do this every single day, 'cause I still love my usual facial cleansers. However, I try to do this every 2 or 3 days in the morning! 

Yes this is me and my silly bestie.
(Hi babe, you still look cute with no makeup on. LOVE!)

If you are also interested in knowing what oatmeal I use, it just looks like this:

(Image credits: here)

I'm sure you can find this at any NTUC or other grocery stores.
So stop reading and go give this a try!
I really hope this post has helped you guys in one way of another! 
Now I've to go pack my lugguge 'cause fatty and I bought tickets to GENTING!!!
We're going off next week and we'll be staying for 3 nights instead of our previous 3D2N! We bought our coach + hotel package for S$123 by the way, if you'd like to know. And we purchased them from GRASSLAND! It's S$88 for 3D2N, then we added one more night so we have to top up S$50 (which means S$25 per person) for one hotel night, and another S$10 for a one-way coach upgrade! CHEAP OR WHAAAAAAT. Another company was like selling for S180+ if I'm not wrong!
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

P/S: I came across this Youtube guru yesterday and I IMMEDIATELY love her after watching just 1 video of hers! She's called  and she's so cool! Don't believe? WATCH:

Hope you like her as much as I do, and if you do, please subscribe to her!
I've been watching her videos since last night and for the past few hours hahaha.

God bless everyone! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I think I'm a superwoman

I have been awake since 5pm on 19 Feb. It's 21 Feb 3.25am now.
34 hours of no sleep, BUT I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP.
I honestly think I'm suffering from insomnia or something.
How I wish there's easy access to sleeping pills.

But then again, let go and let God.
May He bless my health regardless.

This coming Thursday marks the end of my exam = A GOOD LONG BREAK. I REALLY NEED THAT! And hopefully all goes well and I'll be able to go WWW and play with the fun slide on Friday! In the mean time, I hope everyone's safe and warm and happy now. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

audrey hepburn / Tumblr (breakfast at tiffany's,audrey hepburn,inspiration,art,fashion,pretty)