Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My September so far

This post will be blogged and posted directly from my iPhone because ever since internship started (which means since yesterday lol), I feel too drained to even turn on the computer. You may wonder why I still bother to blog then, since my schedule is packed 'cause of internship and I feel really tired.

Surprisingly, I have this huge urge to blog today, as I feel that it's one of the only way to escape from all the busy-ness, and just reflect on how I've spent the past few days.

Internship has been... draining. I'm trying so hard to feel all positive and happy about it, but it has seriously been pretty tiring. But I do understand that it's Orientation week and the previous batch is doing all they can to pass down the "information" to us so that my batch will know how to run DiD once they leave, so I think none of us has the right to complain. However my mind feels so overloaded with information right now, and at this point of time, I just wish that my brain was big enough to remember and memorise every single thing that was taught for the past 2 days, but no, it's hard to do that within such a short period of time. :(

One thing I enjoyed today however, was getting to meet Esme! Esme is a dog that has been specifically trained to be a guide dog for one of our visually impaired guide - and she's probably the prettiest out of all the guides in DiD!

I don't know how Blogger on iPhone works but the photos that I'll be attaching in this post will probably be uploaded somewhere in this blog post, either right at the top/bottom!

Today was also fun 'cause we did Home Run - when all of us got to compete and see who enters and exits the tour with the fastest possible time! It's the first ever time we walked through the whole tour in complete darkness and ALONE so I'll never ever forget this particular moment!

I guess right now, I simply wish that I'll be able to be a fast-learner and learn everything as quickly as possible, and hopefully, contribute significantly to DiD in my own ways. If you do not know what DiD is, Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) is actually a social enterprise that brings you on a journey into a world without sight! In other words, it's a 1 hour tour that will bring you around different simulation rooms, and you'll get to experience strolling in a park, sitting on a river taxi, visiting a market, and eating/drinking in a cafe - all these in complete darkness! If you have yet to experience DiD, you seriously HAVE to go on this tour at least once because it's really interesting and one-of-a-kind. Undoubtedly, it'll also allow you to be in a blind person's shoes and understand more about what he/she experiences in his/her everyday life. That to me, is something extremely meaningful, don't you think so?

I know it sounds like I'm advertising for them hahahaha, but it's seriously a tour that every single person should go for at least once in their lifetime. You can check out their website (www.dialogueinthedark.com.sg) for more information if you're interested!


On 1st Sept, it was my 2nd anniversary with C, but she unfortunately had a big event going on so we weren't able to meet. I didn't wanna spend the whole day doing something insignificant, so I thought, why not bake something on my own for C?! Bestie happened to be over at my place so we decided to bake chocolate chip cookies together! We went Yew Tee to search for the ingredients but were quite upset to know that we could not find chocolate chips and vanilla extract. Thankfully, we went to a nearby mini mart and heaved a sigh of relief 'cause we found these 2 ingredients!

Both of us are totally inexperienced noobs when it comes to baking omg. She has only tried baking once on her own for my birthday, but it was those instant baking kind. The first time I baked was with 2 friends, of which one already knows how to bake. So Bestie and I were soooo lost and confused HAHA. But the result was quite awesome 'cause we found a really yummy recipe online! I have to point out though, that it took me 11 whole hours to figure how to bake a good cookie. We started at 7+pm, Bestie gave up at 12+am HAHAHA, and I baked till 6am! IT WAS CRAZY, but worth it!

It was only until about 4am that I realised the cookie tastes better if the "mould" is thinner; it will have more crunch. If you make thick moulds (e.g. moulding into a ball), the cookies will have a soft texture - especially the center - like a cupcake! Either it works this way or it's just hard to bake a good cookie if you don't have cookie moulds, 'cause we didn't have any!

I got Chanel to try it and she LOVES it! Omgdness I've never seen her eat something like it's her drug! Hehe cutie girl.

And of course, after we were done, I packed some of the cookies in a jar for C and gave it to her as our anniversary present!!! I don't know if I'm still gonna buy her something... Hahaha. But isn't sincerity all that matters for an anniversary gift? :D


It's past 9pm now, and I've been told that tomorrow will be a super busy day at DiD and that we've to rest damn early tonight, so I'm gonna memorise some script now and head to bed after that.

Shall end off with a photo of my dinner tonight!
